Monday, January 30, 2012

ROW80 Check in: What exactly does failure look like??

I'm trying to decide if I've done well or not lately.  I've decided that this check in is a chance for me to get feedback from you all.  Here's what I've accomplished, you let me know what you think.

  • Write 1,000 words on days I have no kids. FAIL!!  I have not made much progress on this exact goal, however I have written out several ideas and structures for new work.  I have toyed with the idea of marrying two of my OLD short stories into a new novel idea.  This has given me lots of hope.  I have also looked into the free trial of Scrivener and am considering a purchase there.  Any thoughts on this product?  I have written some poems and done some actual out of the house life living which is always good for getting the creativity going.
  • Attend Writer's Group on a regular basis. I did miss one this past week because I thought I was going to New Orleans this past weekend and I wanted to spend as much time with my kids as I could before I left for four days,  Turns out I didn't go, so that means I do get to go to writer's group this week.  I missed it so much the one week I didn't get to go.  I did, however exchange a short story with a member from the group and we gave each other feedback before submitting to a publisher.
  • Select/Revise/Submit entries on days I have the boys. This is where I have been very successful!  I have revised a great deal AND I submitted my first piece to Red Fez for their next issue!  I am so excited to hear what they think!  This will be my first experience with anything like this since I started taking my writing more seriously.  Wish me luck!!
  • Blog on Wednesdays. Well, who am I kidding?  I have been working on a blog post for about a week.  I don't know why this one has been so hard to write.  I am working with it a little everyday and intend to finish it today.
  • Read one post on improving craft and develop my platform for an hour everyday. This one I have been putting overtime in on.  Now I know this is fruitless if I don't have anything to share with my social network because I haven't spent enough time writing.  I am obsessed with Twitter and the connecting that is possible there.  I have watched my blog grow in numbers and enjoyed the feedback from supporters.  I have loved reading the work of others and listening to how they stay focused and develop their craft.  I had this personal goal of reaching 1,200 followers by the end of this month (which is harder because I have reached a follow limit and can't follow new people).  I made it and then some with a day to spare!!  I think a goal of 200 new followers a month is something I want to aim for.  I realize that in order to do this, I have to contribute something of value.  So, the pressure to write more and blog regularly is really on now.
So, for real, if you see me hanging out on Twitter or Facebook too much, please ask me how much writing I have done that day.  I think that is where the time suck is.  This past week or so has had me distracted, but I'm not completely disappointed with what I have accomplished.  I just need to sit down for that regular daily writing.  The ideas are there...   


  1. It's tough... balancing it all... man, SOOooooo tough!!!!

    But you're doing great. We're all doing the best we can. Great to know so many of us are striving together ;)

    1. You are so right Mprgan! Knowing we aren't alone in this makes all the difference in the world! Thanks for your support.

  2. The balance is definitely tough. I'm trying to adopt a slow but steady mindset when it comes to attracting followers and finding those to follow. Otherwise I would never get anything done--which is often the case, anyway :)

    1. I think that is smart Carrie. I went too fast and now have many that I am following that have to be weeded out to make room for those I truly want to follow! The stronger the connections, the more valuable the follow. I am now scrutinizing much more to make sure they are connections with the potential for growth.

  3. Wow, you're doing great!! Sometimes the social media aspect of being a writer can take such a big chunk out of our "writing" time. I think you're doing a wonderful job with balancing, though!!!!!! Keep it up! :)

    1. And you know, this blogging helps too. Even admitting when you slipped. You then fun out you are not alone and it picks you up to keep going. Today ended up being such a big day for me after writin this post! You guys are great!

  4. Wow! I'm so impressed. What you're doing sounds excellent to me - and you have kids! I've just started blogging, and while I like it, I also find it time-consuming. But it's keeping me accountable, and has reinforced my commitment to ROW80, whereas in the past, I've sometimes given up on my goals when the demands in my life got in the way. You've inspired me to just keep showing up.


    1. Wow! Thanks for the wonderful words! The fact that I can inspire while seeking inspiration for myself impresses me. And if you can't impress yourself, who can you impress. So happy that I could help you! It makes the honesty of the blog so much easier. Much love to you!! And keep going! It feels great when you do an no one else can give that feeling to you!!

  5. It is most definitely hard work to keep up with everything! I don't go out to work and no longer have kids to care for but I still struggle to fit everything into my busy days!! You simply do what you can and try to balance things as you go along... Kudos to you for keeping so much going!
