As I write my first novel, I've thought a great deal about family. Growing up in a family of four, (mom, dad, younger brother and
myself), I thought I knew what family meant. I mean, we had it all didn't
we? The three bedroom house, two cars, two dogs, two cats and all the
Christmas lights a kid could ever remember wanting. Family is picking on
your little brother so much he cries and the very next moment he is sticking up
for you to the neighborhood bully. Then an hour later, he and the same
bully are caught reading your diary in your room so you beat them both up.
Family is a mom and a dad going to work during the day, home in the
evenings, t-ball and softball games, backyard BBQ and camping with neighbors.
Or is it?
Now as my family
is crumbling and I am experiencing my own battle with the infamous plague of families--divorce.
I find I am learning what family is and what it is not. I'm
realizing that family, as I have come to learn it, is a sham. None of the
previously mentioned experiences mean anything without love. It seems
that so often we equate family to numbers, 2.5 kids, $84,000 average net worth, 2 parents, 4 grandparents and so on. Where is the love number?
Based on the average income of divorce lawyers ($48,353-$77,968
annually,, May
2011), it may seem to some that the love number has a dollar sign attached to
it. I know there are days when I look at those red numbers jumping from my online
banking statement and think the same thing; especially this time of year.
Despair starts to take over, but then, one of my boys asks me for help
with something or shares a story with me about a friend at school who may be
moving away. Smack! Back in reality, I can clearly see that how
much spending money one has does not equate love. And not only can I see it;
it is obvious that my boys somehow instinctively know this better than most
adults. Sure they ask for things, but they know those things do not mean
I love them.
Love, I am learning, also is not measured in
increments of 60 or by 30-31 boxes on a calendar. Nope, you won't find
any measure of the love that constitutes a family on the clock or calendar on
your wall. Go ahead and fill your days with times and places, events and
people. Let me know if this brings you love. As my children are
learning how to actually "spend time with" their parents, especially
Dad, it is becoming painfully obvious that love is not measured by time.
Sure, they get excited about seeing Dad. They talk incessantly when
he comes over for his Wednesday night visit--for about a half hour. After
that, they are back to iPods, video games or just hanging in their rooms.
They aren't upset when he is late because of traffic or leaves early
because they are ignoring him. For the kids, time does not equate love.
Ask any adult what their two most valuable liquid
assets are and most will tell you time and money. Ask any child, and it's
love (maybe candy, but this is not about candy, so we will just ignore
Matthew's response). They feel their best when they know they are loved.
The best part is, the love doesn't even have to come from their parents
(thank goodness, right?). Just look at all the adopted, step and orphaned
children that manage to find one adult to love them no matter what. These
kids are able to become contributing adults, go on to love and build their own
families. Kids are better at "family" than adults are. Kids thrive on love!
Next time you see any size group of people,
regardless of the combination of race, creed, gender or age, look in their
eyes. Is there love? Is there an ebb and flow of sacrifice and
contribution? Is there a comfort level that accepts successes and
mistakes? That is a family. You don't need to know how long they
have known each other or what country the baby is adopted from. No
numbers, no statistics, no averages. None of that matters. Love,
love makes them a family.